Hier finden Sie einschlägige Bücher, Artikel, Videos und andere Ressourcen, die Ihnen helfen, in die Welt des pränatalen Lebens und der pränatalen Elternschaft einzutauchen.







Ioanna Mari, founder and president of the Hellenic Association for Prenatal Education

10 Golden Rules for Future Parents


“In the womb, the baby receives physical, psychological and spiritual information that contributes – as much as the genetic material received at conception – to the formation of the human being he or she is becoming.”

François Amigues, Laura Uplinger
and Susana Lopes

Pregnancy Matters!
Forming Healthy, Happy And Thriving Human Beings

“Pregnancy is a most crucial stage of parenting, however a neglected one for the last several millennia. And prior to conceiving a child, it is vastly empowering to explore the fecund universe of prenatal parenting and its impact on humanity.”

Akira Ikegawa M.D. D.M

Parenting Begins From a Baby's Time In The Womb

“As you listen to these prenatal memories, you might get an insight into what the special purpose is that your child was born to accomplish. If so, you may find yourself naturally experiencing feelings of thankfulness, such as “Thank you for choosing us over all the other couples,” and “Thank you for coming here to help us grow.” ”


Peter W. Nathanielsz, MD, PhD

Life in the Womb ~ The Origin of Health and Disease 
“Adults may eventually suffer diseases of the heart, liver, pancreas and kidneys because those organs were incompletely formed during vulnerable periods of development in the womb.”

David Chamberlain

Windows to the Womb ~ Revealing the Conscious Baby from Conception to Birth
“When I look at the burst of activity found at the eightweek milestone, I sense a new dimension of excitement and choice. Fetal behavior is more personal than mechanical.”

Marcy Axness, PhD

Parenting for Peace ~ Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers 
“The most scientifically proven prenatal education program consists of a mother’s perceptions of the world, as taught to her baby through her thoughts, feelings, words and behavior.”

Thomas R. Verny, MD, and Pamela Weintraub

Pre-Parenting: Nurturing Your Child from Conception (formerly Tomorrow's Baby) 
“Pre-Parenting explains how even the most ordinary events can evoke a cascade of biological changes in a baby—not only in the brain but also in the immune system and throughout the body.”


Bruce H. Lipton and Steve Bhaerman

Life in the Womb ~ The Origin of Health and Disease 
Political philosopher Steve Bhaerman and cell biologist Bruce Lipton invite us into the realm of epigenetics and the newly found role of the cell membrane: it informs the cell nucleus about what genes to silence or activate!

Elizabeth Carman & Neil Carman

Babies Are Cosmic ~ Signs of Their Secret Intelligence
“Unborn children appear to display psychic talents that they use like radar to scan their mothers and learn more about them. They are sensitive to subtle emotional nuances, vulnerable to physical trauma, and responsive to communications.”

Robin Karr-Morse

Scared Sick ~ The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease
“If, through sensual perceptions or chemical messages, the fetal or newborn brain chronically detects that the world is aggressive and hostile or that survival depends on vigilance, his or her very plastic brain will shape itself accordingly [...] to prepare to survive such a world.”

Dr. Akira Ikegawa

Parenting Begins From a Baby's Time In The Womb 
"The world is filled with beauty. Children want to know how to express this- they want to know how it works and how to communicate this excitement tothose around them. I think these ‘feelings of happiness’ are the driving force”


Elisabeth Hallett

Stories of the Unborn Soul ~ The mystery and delight of Pre-Birth Communication 
"Stories of pre-birth communication show unborn souls taking an active role in every step of their journey to the world. There are couples who suspect their future child even had a hand in bringing them together.”

Wendy Anne McCarty

Welcoming Consciousness ~ Supporting Babies' Wholeness From the Beginning of Life 
“Prenatal and perinatal psychology findings suggest we are conscious sentient beings from the beginning of life and that we exist as sentient being prior to physical life and are functioning as such from the beginning of human existence.”


Marshall H. Klaus & Phyllis Klaus

Your Amazing Newborn 
“This book begins with images of fetuses actually comforting themselves in the womb. We then see newborns less than one hour old crawling unassisted to the breast, recognizing the voices of their parents, shutting our unwanted sights and imitating faces.”

Gajanan Kelkar

The Emotional World of the Fetus ~ Revealing Fetal Psychology
“... consciousness exists in a zygote - which is even as minuscule as a grain of sugar.”


David Chamberlain, PhD

The Mind of Your Newborn Baby (formerly Babies Remember Birth) 
“Babies welcomed at conception, prepared for during pregnancy, and gently birthed into loving hands begin life positively. They look out at the world with immense interest and curiosity, act as if they feel safe, and make a solid connection with their parents.”

Susan Highsmith

The First Fairy Tale Book I ~ The Adventure Begins 
“The chamber door is preparing to open. It glows with the vermillion aura that only this portal can display. It is only through this gate that the journey can begin.”


Susan Highsmith

The First Fairy Tale Book II ~ The Awakening Heart 
“The music - the energy and vibration of the Universe - surges through this Divine Instrument. A Heart! The seat of Love has taken form in this new Being.”

Wayne W. Dyer and Dee Garnes

Memories of Heaven ~ Children’s Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth
“Countless stories about children reporting how they remember choosing their parents for this journey, having invisible friends that only they could see, memories of past lives in the same family, visitations with God, and on and on.”

Frédérick Leboyer

Birth Without Violence 
“The first book to express what mothers have always known: babies are born complete human beings with the ability to experience a full range of emotions.”

Thomas Verny, MD, PhD

The Secret Life of the Unborn Child ~ How you can prepare your unborn baby for a happy, healthy life 
“This book is principally about the shaping of the human mind, about how we become who we are. And it is based on the discovery that the unborn child is a feeling, a remembering, aware being.”

Frédérick Leboyer

Loving Hands ~ The traditional Indian art of baby massage 
This book shows how to use the flowing rhythms of the art of baby massage to communicate love and strength to infants in the weeks and months following birth.

Gajanan Shridhar Kelkar

Super Procreation ~ A book that explains the science and spiritualism involved in creation of a virtuous offspring 
“In an improved perspective about Conception, what must be taken into consideration is twofold: The mother and the father are the ones providing the seed, and the soul or spiritual power of the child wishes to be born.”

Ankita Sapan Marjadi

Knock Knock Let's Talk
“It's indeed a beauty of nature that the power of these talks have a beautiful impact on the baby in the womb... All you have to do is read aloud what is written in for that week and you are good to go!" ”

Michael Gabriel

Voices From the Womb ~ Adults Relive Their Pre-Birth Experiences
“The knowledge gained through the prenatal recall process will, I believe, inevitably leave society to a new and loftier view of caring, growing and birthing a child.”

Andrea Alban and Lisa Burnett Bossi

Mother's Nature: Timeless Wisdom for the Journey into Motherhood “Mother's Nature is about the love that pours through your child and blesses you forever. A treasure trove of prayers, blessings, reflections, facts, meditations and folk tales that honor the richness of mothering."

Elisabeth Hallett

Soultrek ~ Meeting Our Children on the Way to Birth 
“For some parents-to-be, an inner voice announces the coming conception or even engages them in conversation. There are mysterious meetings in dreams and waking visions.”


Dr. Akira Ikegawa

I Remember When I Was In Mommy's Tummy 
" I was always dancing in your tummy. Oh, I wish I could get back into mommy's tummy. -Daiki Suzuki / 3 yrs old

Dr. Akira Ikegawa

I chose You To Be My Mommy 
"Yesterday, I went up to the sky, and I saw a smiling baby there, so I put it into mommy's tummy. - Yuhta Endo/ 3 yrs old

Dietrich Bauer, Max Hoffmeister, Hartmut Goerg

Children who communicate before they are born ~ conversations with unborn souls 
“The authors have collected stories from young children, their parents, friends and those in the medical profession who have something to tell - in children it is from direct memory, and parents (mostly mothers) have had either sleeping or waking dreams about their unborn child.”
yoga e maternidade susana lopes

Susana Lopes

Yoga e Maternidade uma inspiração para mães, uma referência para professores (Portuguese Edition) 
"The human mother is also a manifestation of Universal Mother Nature, and yoga in pregnancy helps women to reconnect with the vital processes of the planet, which regulate, protect and sustain life."


Amali Lokugamage

The Heart In The Womb 
“This book celebrates the unappreciated skill of Mother Nature through normal birth to create social cohesion and to remedy the fragmented and destructive society.”

Michel Odent

Primal Health
“Our health is to a great extent shaped during the ‘primal period,’ which includes foetal life, the period surrounding birth and the year following birth.”

Michel Odent

Birth and Breastfeeding ~ Rediscovering the Needs of Women During Pregnancy and Childbirth
“By becoming more scientific, obstetrics is discovering its own limitations and is evaluating the power of the environment in the period surrounding birth.”

Michel Oden

The Farmer and the Obstetrician  
“Farming and childbirth have been industrialized side by side during the twentieth century – with dramatic and disturbing circumstances. ”


Sunni Karl

Sacred Birthing 
“A sacred birth is truly for one purpose: to birth a child in a way that can best preserve the essence of divinity that accompanies each new being.”

Jaroslav Vlcek

Tracking Consciousness Before Birth and Beyond  
“In prenatal life, we exist more in the role of observers, passively receiving - yet consciously participating - in the process of growth . In trying to understand prenatal life, we are entering the invisible realm of existence, the beginning of life.”

Laura Huxley

The Child of Your Dreams
“In prenatal life, we exist more in the role of observers, passively receiving - yet consciously participating - in the process of growth . In trying to understand prenatal life, we are entering the invisible realm of existence, the beginning of life.”

Sheila Kitzinger

A Passion for Birth - My life, anthropology, family and feminism  
"In the last 40 years the subject of birth has become a political issue, and one that affects us all. The right to knowledge about our bodies and minds in childbirth is a fundamental human freedom."


Nitika Sobti

Womb Conversation ~ Sharing the World Together 
“This book is about the connection that you establish with your baby before birth. [...] The idea is to let all expecting parents weave a golden channel of communication with their baby.”


Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Education Begins Before Birth
“The woman, the mother, has received the mission to regenerate humanity, as Nature gave her the power of influencing the child in her womb.”

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Hope for the World: Spiritual Galvanoplasty 
“The time to give the child a real education and upbringing is before birth.”


Elizabeth Carman & Neil Carman

Cosmic Cradle ~ Spiritual Dimension of Life before Birth 
"Children share memories of choosing parents and their journey to Earth from a dimension of light and love. Sensitive mothers share communications with a future child seeking birth."

Terra Rafael

Ayurveda for the Childbearing Years ~ a primer  
“Our constitution is created by three main influences: the environment at conception (especially the condition of the parents); the prenatal environment; and spiritual influences.”


Sheila Kitzinger

Birth Crisis
“Women in childbirth are treated like products on a factory conveyor belt. They suffer from institutionalized violence and it is like to affect the way they feel not only about themselves but also about their baby and their partner.”

Elizabeth Noble

Primal Connections ~ How our Experiences from Conception to Birth influence our Emotions, Behavior and Health 
An exploration of the long term impact of prenatal and birth experiences: how primal therapy, hypnosis, visualization, and body work aid in gaining access to one's deepest, earliest memories. These experiences may explain chronic conditions resistant to traditional treatments.


Ludwig Janus

The Enduring Effects of the Prenatal Experience ~ Echoes from the Womb 
A journey through the many ways in which our prenatal and birth experiences may continue to affect our lives.

Benig Mauger

Songs From The Womb ~ Healing the Wounded Mother  
“Mauger places birth and life in the womb as a formative soul experience creating patterns we carry with us into later life.”

Jane Butterfield English

Different Doorway ~ Adventures of a Cesarean Born
“Although Different Doorway will be of primary interest to caesareans, its significance is much more basic. Experiential work on prenatal and perinatal issues seems to lead to a new type of human being.” Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.




Editors: Jon RG Turner, Troya GN Turner, Olga Gouni

Prenatal Psychology 100 Years: A Journey in Decoding How Our Prenatal Experience Shapes Who We Become!
“Prenatal & perinatal psychology is approximately 100 years of age. Since then, due to the works of Pioneers in the field, what was once a hidden mystery is now common knowledge: Prenatal Life Matters!”

Joel M. Evans

The Whole Pregnancy Handbook  
"What des it mean for an obstetrician to practice holistic medicine? It means that I look to the women I work with, my patients, to be active participants in their care."


Ann Diamond Weinstein

Prenatal Development and Parents' Lived Experiences: How Early Events Shape Our Psychophysiology and Relationships 
“It is imperative we consider how human experience during this period impacts the development, health, behavior, and relationships of individuals over their life span.”

Arthur Janov

The New Primal Scream ~ Primal Therapy Twenty Years On  
The New Primal Scream discusses and reaches some startling conclusions about illness and Primal Therapy.

Arthur Janov

Imprints ~ the Lifelong Effects of the Birth Experience 
Birth imprints can later shape personality and physiology. They can determine how long we will live and what inflictions we will suffer later in life.

Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée

Pregnancy and Gestation ~ In Chinese Classical Texts 
This work examines classical Chinese medical literature to present the various transformations for mother and developing child during pregnancy.


Debra Betts

The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy Childbirth 
“…the use of acupuncture in pregnancy care and childbirth appears to be limited only by the reluctance of acupuncture practitioners to become involved in this specialist area. I hope that this book will go some way towards overcoming this, strengthening practitioners’ sense of confidence and expanding the range of treatments offered to women throughout pregnancy and childbirth.”



Annie Murphy Paul

How the first nine months shape the rest of your life
for TIME MAGAZINE - Health - Sep 22, 2010

Michel Odent

Database website on Primal Health Research 
"Primal Health Research" is a database of published scientific and medical journals that explore correlations between the 'primal period' (fetal life, perinatal period and year following birth) and health and personality traits later on in life.